After a successful 2016, Club Med is accelerating its growth in 2017


After a successful 2016,  Club Med is accelerating its growth in 2017

(Mynewsdesk) In a difficult geopolitical and economic environment, Club Med regained its forward momentum in 2016 and had a successful year. In 2017, the company will accelerate its strategy of growth and international expansion.

In 2016, Club Med generated revenue of €1,469 million and ended the year with a profit. Net income before tax and non-recurring items totalled €30 million, versus €6 million in 2015, and EBITDA rose a strong 15% year-on-year to €109 million.

This performance was buoyed by a high level of investment, which at €83 million was on a par with the previous year but €20 million more than the amount committed before Fosuns successful tender offer. These direct investments were channelled to developing new resorts, maintaining existing resorts, deploying digital solutions and enhancing information systems.

In addition, Club Meds property partners have invested some €340 million to date for the 2016-2017 period.

These results reflect the success of the strategy to move Club Med upmarket and expand internationally, in line with the expectations of families and working couples looking for upscale resorts around the world.

* 79% of customers stay in 4 & 5 Trident resorts, which now account for 77% of the Club Med portfolio. This represents a 22-point increase from 2010.
* The number of customers worldwide rose by 1.2% year-on-year to 1.26 million, or 4.8% excluding North Africa, Turkey and Egypt.
* 68% of customers are non-French, an increase of 10 points in 10 years.

Stepping up the pace of global development and new resort openings

In the next three years (2017-2019), Club Med will open 15 new resorts worldwide and upgrade 9 existing resorts. Mountain locations will play an active role, with the opening of one new Club Med in the Alps each year.

After opening Sanya and Beidahu in China and Lake Paradise and La Réserve (a 5-Trident space to Rio Das Pedras) in Brazil in 2016, Club Med will inaugurate 3 new resorts in 2017: Tomamu Hokkaido in Japan, Grand Massif/Samoëns-Morillon in the French Alps and the first Club Med Joyview in Anji, China.

The year will also be shaped by the re-opening of the renovated Opio en Provence resort, which will become Club Meds new flagship on the French Riviera, with a re-worked menu and the introduction of CREACTIVE by Cirque du Soleil, a feature unveiled at the Punta Cana resort in the Dominican Republic in the summer of 2015.

Encouraging perspectives for Winter 2017

This acceleration has already had a positive impact on the Winter 2017 season currently under way. Club Med has seen its bookings rise in all key geographies – by 16 % in Asia, 8% in the Americas and 4% in Europe and Africa – from an already solid level in Winter 2016.

Bookings in France are also encouraging, showing an increase of 3.4% and a 22% gain in new customers. At this pace, Club Med will be able to achieve the objective set in its Destination 2021 plan of close to €1 billion in revenue in Europes French-speaking markets by 2021.

„2016 was a successful year for Club Med, which reaped the rewards of its ambitious strategy to move upmarket and expand in international markets,“ said Henri Giscard dEstaing, President of Club Med. „Backed by this success, we will accelerate further in 2017 thanks to our Go for Ch@nGE company programme, which is designed to drive our transformation. In particular, we will focus on stepping up our progress in digital solutions, product innovation and global development with the opening of new Club Meds in China, France and Japan.“

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Club Med ist der Erfinder des Cluburlaubs. Seit der Eröffnung des ersten Clubs im Jahr 1950 setzt Club Med Trends in den Bereichen Angebotsvielfalt und Internationalität. Heute besitzt oder führt Club Med knapp 70 Resorts weltweit, alle an den exklusivsten Plätzen der jeweiligen Destination gelegen. Abgerundet wird das Portfolio durch das Segelkreuzfahrtschiff Club Med 2. Club Med bietet eine Gourmet-Küche, Snacks und Getränke den ganzen Tag lang, Kinderbetreuung für jedes Alter und eine Vielzahl an sportlichen Aktivitäten. Die Club Med Trident-Bewertung garantiert gleichwertige Qualität auf höchstem Niveau weltweit. Als Premium All-Inclusive Reiseanbieter erhält Club Med jährlich Travellers Choice Auszeichnungen von Tripadvisor für zahlreiche Club-Resorts. Außerdem wurde Club Med als Brand of the Year vom World Branding Forum während der World Branding Awards 2015 ausgezeichnet.

Club Med
Charlotte Sachs
Trakehner Str. 7-9C
60487 Frankfurt

Club Med
Charlotte Sachs
Trakehner Str. 7-9C
60487 Frankfurt

Author: pr-gateway

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