DIC Asset AG: Issue of Third Corporate Bond


Frankfurt, 02 September 2014 – The SDAX-listed real estate company DIC Asset AG (WKN A1X3XX / ISIN DE000A1X3XX4) is issuing its third corporate bond.

The five-year corporate bond will be issued in a volume of at least EUR 100 million. The final bond volume and the coupon will be determined on the basis of an international private placement, and subsequently published on the website of DIC Asset AG. Moreover, the corporate bond is to be offered within the framework of a public offering in Luxembourg and Germany as soon as the prospectus has been approved by the Luxembourg Financial Sector Supervisory Commission (CSSF) and the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) has been notified. This is expected to occur in the course of 02 September 2014, the prospectus will subsequently be published on the website of DIC Asset AG.

The private placement is being carried out by Bankhaus Lampe KG and Citigroup Global Markets Limited as joint lead managers.

DIC Asset AG intends to use the net issue proceeds to repay existing debt. In particular the Company’s first bond (ISIN DE000A1KQ1N3, EUR 100,000,000 with a coupon of 5.875 per cent) is to be repaid prematurely.

Corporate bonds have proven to be a flexible and cost-effective financing component for DIC Asset AG. The new issue and the planned early redemption of the first corporate bond will bolster the Company’s existing funding structure, and will help to optimise the terms of financing for the Company. At the same time, DIC Asset AG’s medium-term goal of reducing the gearing ratio (LtV) to less than 60% by the end of 2016 remains in place.

This document is intended solely for information purposes, and constitutes neither an offer of securities for sale nor a solicitation of an offer to purchase or subscribe securities.

The prospectus required for the public offering is expected to be approved by the Luxembourg Supervisory Authority for the Financial Sector (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier – CSSF) and notified to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht – BaFin) on 02 September 2014.

The notes will be made available by the company in the form of a public offering after the CSSF approval becomes effective, and following the notification of the prospectus by the CSSF pursuant to Article 18, Prospectus Directive, in Luxembourg and Germany. Neither the joint lead managers within the framework of the private placement, nor the issuer within the framework of the public offering, are obliged to allocate or deliver notes to investors.

The public offering of the notes will proceed exclusively through and on the basis of the aforementioned prospectus as published. Only the prospectus contains the legally mandated information for investors, and represents the exclusive basis of information for the acquisition of the notes in the context of the public offering.

This document constitutes neither an offer of securities for sale nor a solicitation to submit an offer for the purchase of securities in the United States of America, nor is it part of such an offer or such a solicitation. The securities have not been and will not be registered pursuant to the provisions of the United States Securities Act, and may not be sold or offered for sale in the United States of America except after prior registration pursuant to the provisions of the US Securities Act as amended or else on the basis of an exemption from the registration requirement.

The information provided in this publication must not be forwarded to or within the United States of America, Canada, Japan or Australia.

Unless expressly stated otherwise, all of the information, data, assumptions and forward looking statements contained in this document refer to information, data and forecasts that were available to the company at the time of publication. In accordance with applicable laws, DIC Asset AG assumes no obligation to, and will not, update this document in any form whatsoever.

For more information on DIC Asset AG, please visit the Company’s website www.dic-asset.de.

About DIC Asset AG:
Established in 2002, DIC Asset AG, with registered offices in Frankfurt/Main, is a real estate company with a dedicated investment focus on commercial real estate in Germany, pursuing a return-oriented investment policy. Real estate assets under management currently amount to approx. EUR 3.4 billion, comprising around 250 properties. The Company’s investment strategy is geared to the continued development of a high-quality, highly profitable and regionally diversified portfolio. The real estate portfolio is structured in two segments: the Commercial Portfolio (EUR 2.2 billion) comprises existing properties with long-term rental contracts generating attractive rental yields. The Co-Investments segment (pro-rata share of EUR 0.2 billion) comprises fund investments, joint-venture investments, and interests in development projects. DIC Asset AG provides a direct service to tenants through its own real estate management teams in six branch offices located at the regional hubs within the portfolio. This provides DIC Asset AG with an edge in terms of market presence and expertise, and builds the foundation for maintaining and increasing income – and the value of its real estate assets. DIC Asset AG has been included in the SDAX® segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since June 2006. The Company’s shares are also included in the EPRA index, which tracks the performance of the most important European real estate companies.

DIC Asset AG
Herr Peer Schlinkmann
Neue Mainzer Straße 20 . MainTor
60311 Frankfurt/Main
+49 69 274033-1221

DIC Asset AG – spezialisiert auf Gewerbeimmobilien in Deutschland

Thomas Pfaff Kommunikation
Thomas Pfaff
Höchlstr. 2
60311 München
089 992496-50

Author: pr-gateway


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