Ethereum’s App finally goes live


Ethereum’s App finally goes live
Ethereum (Source: Cryp2Geeks)

Ethereum’s App finally goes live after almost three years of trying and testing of the product. Golem is a peer to peer marketing for putting your computer’s excess CPU power for use to other people. This is a major move as it is going live on the ethereum blockchain.

Golem is one the earliest generation of ethereum applications and the move to go live is actually a step towards proving how powerful ethereum is. Its current format allows for computers to rent unused CPU power for creating computer-generated imagery (CGI) using Blender which is an open source software for animated films, video games, interactive 3D applications and visual effects.

“We want to see how it behaves in the wild, the release is there to prove to us and everyone that we can actually deliver something that can run on mainnet and that’s really usable. And well, it is.” Said Zawistowski CEO and founder of Golem

“This is typical for software development in general, and blockchain in particular, we underestimate the complexity of what we want to do, you always underestimate how difficult it is, and this was obviously the case with us.”
Its Big Ambitions
Golem works through a software company that connects two parties in Golem’s network (providers) and those that sell computational resources and those that want to rent the CPU power. The providers are given sub-tasks that when are pieced together are able to create a full computational picture.

“We send those sub-tasks over a peer-to-peer network where peers compute them, return the results for you and connect that into one piece and pay for the use of other peoples’ computers,” said Zawistowski.

Mr. Zawistowski also explained that all the interactions happen directly between the nodes in the network. It is interesting to note that Golem has not been built on blockchain but uses ethereum for its token, GNT and GNT transactions.

The main function of the mainnet release is to test the economic assumptions of the network and to also appeal to early adopters for feedback on usability and issues.

“You start with a very simple Golem that should work up to a point where we have the Golem which is perfect and self-contained and modular, and you give it a computation and it’s done in a matter of seconds,” said Janiuk who is the CTO and co-founder of Golem.

“We definitely need to move in the direction of machine learning. This is something that is suited to Golem pretty well,” said Janiuk
Inventions and innovations
The team behind Golem innovation found out that there was need of splitting computational tasks up into smaller tasks and then reintegrates them. The project faced complicated and previous unresearched technical barriers.

A good example is when verification or proving that computation is correct, it is easy to achieve for simple crypto transactions while at the same time it becomes difficult to develop around different types of computations. These were some of the challenges that faced this project but despite all these, it is a sigh of relief that ethereum’s app finally goes live.

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Author: pr-gateway

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