Exchange Summit 2017


E-Invoicing/E-Billing: Significant Market Transition Lies Ahead

Exchange Summit 2017

Kreuzlingen, Switzerland, July 11, 2017 – The European Core Invoice Standard EN16931 has been published on June 28th, 2018. Experts agree that E-Invoicing will be adopted at an even faster pace now also in Europe as already in the rest of the world. Therefore, the need for a global platform to exchange best practices, know how and fresh ideas increases even more.

The Exchange Summit is the leading congress with contributors and attendees from over 50 different countries. It represents a global platform for the important and quickly advancing topics around E-Invoicing. All participants will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge, and for networking with the aim to improve processes and a faster adoption of the new technologies.
The next Exchange Summit will be held on October 9-10 in Barcelona. There will be several round tables and presentations in order to discuss the challenges with experts, thought-leaders and users from the corporate and public sector. Latest trends and their impact for AP/AR automation such as Machine Learning, Blockchain and E-Receipts will be presented as well as updates on the must-haves in compliance, standards and formats. Furthermore, the current status and upcoming developments of E-Invoicing in China and other Asian countries will be looked at closer.

Keynote speakers Enrico Camerinelli, Prof. Dr. Peter Duerr and Bruno Koch will give new impulses to the audience. Bruno Koch, an independent and globally well-known market analyst in the field of E-Invoicing, will present some key findings of his highly-valued market report E-Invoicing/E-Billing: Significant market transition lies ahead in his speech. This market report not only provides facts, but also qualitative views, evaluation and details about the products offered by many providers:

For further information on the Exchange Summit, visit

Über Vereon AG
Die Vereon AG mit Sitz in Kreuzlingen (Schweiz) recherchiert und organisiert seit 2003 erfolgreich Kongresse, Fachtagungen und Seminare für Führungskräfte aus ganz Europa. Ein grosses persönliches Netzwerk und der tägliche Kontakt mit anerkannten Experten, Spezialisten und Entscheidern aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft bildet die solide Basis.

Jährlich bestätigen mehrere Tausend zufriedene Teilnehmende die grosse Bedeutung dieser professionell recherchierten und strukturierten Veranstaltungen in den Themenbereichen Banken, Finanzen, Chemie und Pharma, Energie, IT, Marketing und Vertrieb sowie Recht und Steuern für ihren nachhaltigen beruflichen Erfolg.

Vereon AG
Johannes von Mulert
Hauptstrasse 54
8280 Kreuzlingen
0041 71 677 8700

Vereon AG
Johannes von Mulert
Hauptstrasse 54
8280 Kreuzlingen
0041 71 677 8700

Author: pr-gateway

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