Fison Instruments Ltd

Gehaltsvorschuss. Sofort!

Fison Instruments Ltd.  is a UK based leading manufacturer of wide range of laboratory equipment with proven track record in continuous development and selling of products to meet the customer’s needs. We aim to grow and excel with each passing day.

Our goal is to provide best quality products with promising applications across life science, biotechnology, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. We believe in building trustworthy business relationships with all our customers.

We do offer very competitive range of laboratory instruments like  Air GeneratorAir SamplerAutoclaveAutomatic Liquid Extraction Rotary AgitatorAutomatic Rotary AgitatorBalanceBALL MILLBath and circulatorsBench MagnifierBilirubin meterBiosafety CabinetBlood gas analyzerBOD AnalyzerCalorimeterCentrifugeChemistry AnalyzerChillerChilling Heating Dry BathChromatographyCoagulation Analyzer , etc.

Our instruments pass through numerous tests and undergo rigorous quality checks during its production. We have a professional R&D and Manufacturing team with proven track record for maintaining cutting-edge technology at cost-effective prices.

We at Fison Instruments Ltd. delivers comprehensive service to our customers to fulfill their all needs.

Anthony Bolton
Author: Anthony Bolton


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