London Fashion Week Aadnevik SS20


Hair by Moroccanoil Global Ambassador Antonio Corral Calero

London Fashion Week Aadnevik SS20
Aadnevik London Fashion Week SS20
Hair by Moroccanoil Global Ambassador Antonio Corral Calero (Bildquelle: Photography: Naomi G Ray-Mathur)

INSPIRATION: ‚This season, designs were inspired by the wilderness of the African continent. A world of sublime beauty and danger, contrasting mysteries, emotions and virtues. The hair look is representative of these diversities, the traditionally sleek wet look and feminine waves, done, yet undone giving an essence of the wild.‘

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Photo Credit for all images in this folder: Aadnevik London Fashion Week SS20
Hair by Moroccanoil Global Ambassador Antonio Corral Calero
Photography: Naomi G Ray-Mathur

1. Generously apply Moroccanoil Perfect Defense throughout the mid-lengths to ends to prepare and protect the hair before heat styling
2. Prep the hair by applying a pump of Moroccanoil Treatment from mid-lengths to ends to create the perfect foundation for styling (Moroccanoil Treatment Light for blonde or fine hair) for curly hair this will help to straighten with a clean, soft bounce
3. Using the Moroccanoil Boar Bristle Teasing Brush section the bottom half of the hair, working from ear-to-ear and secure the top section with a clip, on top of the head
4. Taking 1-inch pieces of the bottom section, starting in the middle, use a flat iron and starting near the scalp work down, moving the flat iron inwards, then outwards in a wave motion. Using the middle section as a guide, repeat on each side alternating the starting movement to create the shattered waves
5. Repeat with the top section of the hair until the entire hair is waved
6. Once complete, section the hair again from ear-to-ear pinning the top section on top of the head
7. Place 2-3 pumps of Moroccanoil Curl Control Mousse into the palm of your hand and using your fingertips pat in the product at the root and rake downwards for a distance of about 1.5″
8. Section the top of the hair at the highest point of the brows to the crown of the head and pin on top of the head
9. Dispense Moroccanoil Curl Control Mousse into the hand and with your fingertips pat and rake into the sides of the hair behind the ears, following the natural shape of the hair line
10. Repeat this for the top section patting in Moroccanoil Curl Control Mousse and raking backwards using your fingertips. Ensure to drag product backwards, just past the crown of the head to avoid the hair from parting
11. Generously apply Moroccanoil Luminous Hairspray Extra Strong all over the hair to hold in place

Moroccanoil bietet innovative, leicht anwendbare und wirkungsvolle Produkte, die jeden Haartyp in natürlich schönes und gesundes Haar verwandeln. Als Erfinder und Pionier luxuriöser, mit Arganöl angereicherter Haarpflege-Produkte ist Moroccanoil zum Laufsteg-Hit unter Mode- und Beautyinsidern geworden. Bei Mode- und TV-Stylisten sowie deren hochkarätigen, prominenten Kunden hat die Marke Kultstatus. Vor acht Jahren gegründet sind die Moroccanoil Produkte mittlerweile in über 65 Ländern weltweit erhältlich. Das luxuriöse Hair Care Sortiment umfasst Produkte für jedes Haar und seine besonderen Bedürfnisse. Patentierte, innovative Inhaltsstoffe sorgen für fantastische Ergebnisse. Moroccanoil Produkte sind exklusiv in ausgewählten Salons erhältlich. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Für tägliche Updates und Einblicke hinter die Kulissen folgen Sie Moroccanoil auf Twitter, Instagram oder verfolgen Sie die Beautytutorials auf YouTube.

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Author: pr-gateway

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