Raising Power will present Asset Coaster for efficient system operation


Technical operations manager of PV systems at Booth 271 in Hall B2 during Intersolar Europe 2018

Raising Power will present Asset Coaster for efficient system operation
At booth B2.271 Raising Power GmbH presents its product portfolio at Intersolar 2018. (Bildquelle: Raising Power GmbH)

Augsburg, June 18, 2018. – Raising Power GmbH has been restructured: As a white-label provider for technical operations management of photovoltaic systems, the Augsburg-based company offers tailored solutions for technical operations managers as well as EPC and Q&M companies. At booth 271 in hall B2 of Intersolar 2018, Raising Power will demonstrate how it makes sure its services are both secure and efficient. The newly developed software tool Asset Coaster will be the main attraction at the booth.

Asset Coaster: fast workflow, short reaction times
With Asset Coaster, Raising Power has developed a unique solution which is unique within the industry and is setting standards in terms of efficient, cost-saving operation management: The new software displays the entire process related to a PV system and enables operation managers to systematically and much more efficiently complete all scheduled tasks thanks to automated processes. Asset Coaster supports synchronization with the existing monitoring system of a PV system and can be closely linked to the ERP system. Service technicians will profit from the new tool thanks to easy bid preparation and immediate authorization. Based on a pre-defined process, they work down the list of tasks that are part of an order and document their activities. The reports are sent automatically to system operators and operations managers which means the latter do not have to initiate each process separately. As a white label, Raising Power provides individual reports based on the appropriate corporate design for every user.

Legally compliant: qualified service staff in use
In accordance with legal requirements, Raising Power uses only qualified service staff to handle disruptions, perform regular inspections and do the maintenance and repair of PV systems. In southern Germany, the company uses its own service technicians. Experienced external service staff is employed in the rest of Germany. All technicians have the expertise they need and meet basic requirements. Raising Power is listed in the Skilled Trades Register, has DIN ISO 9001:2015 certification and is included in the Register of Electricians. „With Raising Power acting as their partner, EPC and O&M companies can limit their risks without having to hire their own professional staff and investing in new equipment,“ said Michele Rascher and Dirk Stahf, the Managing Directors of Raising Power „In addition to the lower liability risk, professional execution and regular maintenance prevent yield losses. As a result, our work pays off twice.“

Technical operations managers as well as EPCs and O&Ms can contract Raising Power“s services based on their individual need – from individual service modules like monitoring or the Asset Coaster to the complete execution of technical operation management.

Visit Raising Power at booth B2.271 at Intersolar Europe in Munich from June 20-22, 2018.

Raising Power is a technical operations manager for photovoltaic systems. As a white-label provider, the Augsburg-based company offers solutions for technical operations managers as well as EPC and O&M companies – from individual services like monitoring, maintenance and repairs to the complete performance of technical operations management. The international company has more than 1,500 systems under contract around the world. It also specializes in the repowering of existing systems. Raising Power GmbH is a member of the SFCE Shunfeng International Clean Energy Limited Group. Further information: www.raising-power.com

Raising Power GmbH
Michèle Rascher
Gögginger Str. 93
86199 Augsburg
+49 821 268416-00
+49 821 268416-99

epr-elsaesser public relations
Andrea Schneider
Maximilianstraße 50
86150 Augsburg
0821-4508 7918

Author: pr-gateway

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