Top marks for David Borck Immobiliengesellschaft


David Borck Immobiliengesellschaft has been honored by the experts of the business magazine Capital for the seventh year in a row. The Berlin-based brokerage’s new top score of 84 in the overall ranking was once again more than enough to secure the highest rating of five stars in Capital magazine’s latest Makler-Kompass. With such a great result, the company’s real estate experts even managed to beat their impressive total from last year’s awards. In comparison to last year’s ranking, the team around Caren Rothmann and David Borck made significant gains in the “Qualifications” category, which primarily assesses the team’s professional experience and formal qualifications, including training and further education opportunities, as well as valuating their compliance with industry standards.


The Capital Makler-Kompass helps both the general public and experts to find well-qualified real estate agents. And this is more important than ever before, especially given the constantly rising demand for housing, above all in Berlin. Capital magazine’s evaluation is based on a two-stage process: First, details were collected on 14,480 brokers in 164 municipalities across Germany. These were then evaluated by experts from Scope Fund Analysis and the IIB Institute on the basis of four criteria: qualifications, process quality, brochures and contracts, and service. Each category was worth 25 percent of the overall result.

The Capital Makler-Kompass evaluation awarded “good” and “very good” ratings to 890 brokers, including 837 five-star ratings and 53 four-star ratings. The experts were unable to award ratings in seven out of the 164 municipalities. David Borck Immobiliengesellschaft was among the highest ranked brokers in Berlin, in fifth place.


About David Borck Immobiliengesellschaft:

When Caren Rothmann and David Borck founded David Borck Immobiliengesellschaft mbH in 2010, both managing partners already possessed a wealth of real estate expertise. From day one, their vision has been to market real estate with an individual touch and an innovative flair, offering a complete range of real estate services from a single source. Together with their team, they draw on an extensive network of agencies, financing experts, appraisers, lawyers and banks. Whether classic pre-war buildings or new developments, villas or condominiums, portfolios or individual properties, the team of seasoned real estate professionals handles every facet of property and development marketing and develops highly targeted, bespoke marketing strategies. Over the last decade, David Borck Immobiliengesellschaft GmbH has successfully connected more than 2,300 buyers with their dream properties. The company has been repeatedly rated as one of the top real estate agents in Germany by Focus magazine and Capital Makler-Kompass and has also won the European Property Award.

Author: EckelPR

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