united-domains appoints Tobias Sattler as new board member


united-domains appoints Tobias Sattler as new board member

(Mynewsdesk) united-domains AG appoints Tobias Sattler as a new board member. As CTO he is responsible for technology, product development, strategic partner management and industry engagement.

Tobias Sattler (36) has been working for more than ten years for united-domains AG in various senior positions and is part of the extended management board since 2011. He also serves as Vice Chair/CTO of the ICANN Registrar Stakeholder Group, Co-Chair of the ICANN Contracted Party House TechOps initiative, Ambassador of the Universal Acceptance Steering Group and Member of the eco Names & Numbers Steering Committee.

The founders Alexander Helm (CEO) and Markus Eggensperger (COO): “We are proud and delighted to welcome Tobias Sattler as a new board member and we look forward to our joint effort.”

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About united-domains AG

united-domains AG is one of the leading domain registrars in Europe. It administers more than 1.6 million domain names and serves more than 300,000 happy customers. Its clients include renowned companies such as TUI, DekaBank, Germanwings, Zwilling and Melitta. united-domains was founded in August 2000 and has about 90 employees in Starnberg, Germany and Boston, MA, US.

Please visit  www.united-domains.de: https://www.united-domains.de/ or our newsroom at newsroom.united-domains.de: http://newsroom.united-domains.de/ for further information.

united-domains AG
Sebastian Ritze
Gautinger Str. 10
82319 Starnberg

united-domains AG
Sebastian Ritze
Gautinger Str. 10
82319 Starnberg

Author: pr-gateway

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